Sunday, March 28, 2010

A (really) short poem

Been thinking (yes, only think as always) of writing new posts in these few weeks, but just haven't get started for so many reasons (read:lazy).

This sudden urge to blog came because of a short verse (cant really say it's a poem) i write just now. I admit i am not a good writer, it took so long just to come out with these (and it's not good enough too) :

Sweet dream,
ignore my message,
find the passage,
in your deepest dream,

kinda want to save these words, coz i'll forget it very soon :D

Btw, this is the real good one:

Good night, sleep tight,
Don't let the bedbugs bite,
Wake up bright
In the morning light
To do what's right
With all your might

(found on google)


  1. short, compact and explicit :P

  2. as what was said, KISS (keep it short & simple). *or i m just being plain lazy :D
